The most dangerous animal in Tasmania.
Jack Jumper
I know what you are thinking, 'how could this small ant be the highest on the list but don’t be mistaken for this small black and orange ant is seen as one of the most dangerous ants in the world. Named after the 'jumping jack firecracker' because of their aggressive behaviour and tendency to jump at threats to themselves or their nest.

The Jack jumper’s venom is dangerous to three per cent of Tasmania’s population and has racked up a death toll of one person every four years which is greater than shark attacks and venomous snake or spider bites. The jack jumper ants nests are frequently around areas for example under rocks, tree roots, roadsides, pathways, paddocks and recently constructed housing.
Honey Bee
Australia has over 1,500 species of native bees. The stings of most Australian native species of the bee will cause relatively minor discomfort to most people but for some people, the honeybee’s Antitoxin could be fatal. because of their allergic reaction.

The bee, wasps and hornets caused twenty-seven deaths over the past thirteen years and this is on par with snakes but hospitalisations of bee stings are double that of snakes.
The hidden danger with this small insect is that when people don`t know of their allergy to bee stings it can cause a fatal end to those unknowing. Researchers believe the cause of these lethal stings is that people are unaware of the dangers of prophylaxis from insect bites or stings and do not seek medical attention once stung as prophylaxis can kill quickly.
Black Tiger Snake
One way or another you have heard of this snake’s reputation as being one of the most venomous snakes in Tasmania. Tiger snakes are attracted to farms and other suburban outer houses, so make sure to be on the lookout if you are ever near these kinds of areas. Though this snake sounds very threatening the snake is rather timid and shy unless provoked. Mostly found in Tasmania and the south-eastern Australian mainland. The snake derives its name from its notable colours as they are black and have pale yellow, white or grey belly.
